miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

La pregunta de la semana

¿Se pinta John Waters el bigote?

4 comentarios:

  1. reflexión de sopetón, magustao, assolutamente

  2. Sólo hay que saber buscar en google, inútil2 de diciembre de 2010, 6:40

    CENSURAS!!!???? Caes igual de bajo que lo que criticas...

    Pues nada, otra vez, que la respuesta está aquí:

    John, we'll start with the big one. What's the deal with the moustache?

    John Waters: When I was 19 I wanted to be Little Richard, and so I grew it in homage to him really. I wanted to be the only white man in America who had one, and I still might be, really.

    JR:Does it take a lot of work? Are there any implements or gages involved?

    JW: No, you just shave it every day. I don't even realise I have a moustache anymore, I've done it for so long. I just shave it from the top every day, clip it about twice a week from the bottom, and if I miss I just draw it on!

  3. Cuanta violencia.


    creando trolls desde 2010
